Terms & Conditions

As of August 26, 2024

Please read and follow the below information carefully, as you are essentially entering into a contract with Total Rider once you have paid your class fee. Understanding our requirements and policies will help you better prepare yourself for a successful learning experience!
Questions or concerns? Contact Us now!


All students must:
  1. be able to balance a bicycle knowing how to ride is even better!
  2. supply and wear required Riding Gear
  3. complete your online ePackage course before class (both BRC and BRC2 students), and arrive with printed certificate in hand.  Note: we provide access to the proper MSF ePackage, via email, as part of your fee… so please don’t go to the MSF website first to take an “eCourse” or you’ll waste $20 bucks! (MSF online courses are not required for ART). Completion certificates are only valid within 30 days of your course.  You can re-take the eCourse for free if you are beyond 30 days.
  4. ✍  complete, print, and sign the appropriate Course Waiver before class
  5. for all classes, possess a valid driver’s license or photo I.D. for class entry.   
  6.  review any other requirements specific to the course you are taking: BRC, BRC2, or ART (these will also be included as part of your confirmation email).
For all MSF classes:
If you are between 18-24 years of age AND still have a permit, then you must prove you have passed at least the Driver’s Education classroom portion by bringing Form DE-964 to class.
If you are under 18 years of age: as a minor, you must have a valid learner’s permit or driver’s license to take our courses.   If you still have a permit then you must prove you have passed at least the Driver’s Education classroom portion by bringing Form DE-964 to class. In addition, participants under 18 years of age must bring medical consent and the appropriate course waiver form signed by a parent or guardian in person at the training location or the forms must be notarized

Testing Policies

Motorcycle Skills Training and Testing for MSF courses (BRC and BRC2):
  • Students are required to pass all riding exercises and skills evaluation in order to receive a completion certificate.
  • A failure of any part of skills training is a failure of the entire course and must be repeated from the beginning.

General Policies

Danger. Any student whose riding performance creates an unmanageable danger during training will be removed from the course and will not be entitled to additional classes with Total Rider.

  Weather. Classes go on rain or shine, hot or cold, unless Total Rider deems otherwise. If in doubt, call or text our office (512-522-5844) to determine if a class has been canceled.  See our Weather FAQ.
You must notify us through our Contact Us page prior to registering, if:
  • you have a physical, medical, or learning disability
  • your primary language is not English
The Small Print. Total Rider assumes no responsibility for class cancelations as a result of illness, emergencies, or events beyond its control. We also reserve the right to cancel classes for any reason deemed necessary —including classes not filling, inclement weather, scheduling conflicts, etc.— and will notify you of that decision if/when it occurs.
See other policies and class info on our website FAQs and under the “Info” tabs on the Book Your Class page.

Refund Policy / Additional Fees

Total Rider offers no refunds once class has begun. Class fees are good for one attempt at passing an MSF course. If a student fails the class for any reason*, they will need to take the complete course again. (*Reasons may include: arriving late for class, non-attendance, dismissal by instructor, improper riding gear, failing any part of the class, etc.)

Although no one is guaranteed to pass an MSF course, we do however offer class retakes or rescheduling for an additional fee for specific issues regarding students not passing on their first attempt (see below). Students wishing to retake a class will need to contact the front office for rescheduling procedures by emailing us at Operations@TotalRider.com

Class Retake Fees:

$75.00 Prior to Motorcycle Training (may include being late to class, incorrect or no paperwork, improper gear, illness, family emergency,  etc.)

$150 After Motorcycle Training Has Begun (may include failed class, instructor dismissal, not passing skills test, not attending Day 2 of a two-day course, emergency situations, etc.)   Note: this will allow student a 2nd attempt at passing the class; If student fails again, TR may recommend personal evaluation outside of regular class.

Rescheduling  Fees:

$25.00  if Total Rider is notified at least 3 days prior to scheduled class. 

$75.00 if Total Rider is notified less than 3 days prior to scheduled class. 

Note: Both Retakes and Reschedules can only be initiated by an enrolled student, unless the student is a minor (15-17 years of age).


We use SMS (text messaging) only for automated class reminders and to potentially communicate issues directly on a person-to-person basis. That’s all.  You are opting into this policy when you provide us your mobile number during the booking process.

Coaches or staff may photograph students and activities during class. Some images may later be used in marketing materials. Students who prefer their image not be used should notify the coach at the beginning of their class, otherwise you are giving Total Rider, LLC permission to use such images for promotional purposes.

Video Policy: Students (including friends and family) are strictly prohibited from taking video of any portion of the rider training program, of its coaches, and/or of other participating students.

Complaints? Follow this link to the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) website.